Conspicuous consumption will get you conspicuously consumed

So everyone keeps talking about 'the end of the world' and everyone has been talking about it since the origin of humankind. The Apocalypse. Judgement Day. The day the whole world went away.

Without any religious connotation, an Apocalypse just seems to explain any other natural geologic process. Certainly most geologic changes take place over millions of years, which obviously means none of us ever lived to see them. But some of the biggest landscapers of the land is caused by subduction zones.

Subduction zones and fault lines are the origin of quakes and some of these subduction zones are under water, which causes under water earth quakes.

This all does not sound too bad; and in most cases, it isn't. Small earthquakes are actually quite normal. However, it seems obvious that the earth is trying to tell us something and we are just not getting it. Our existence here as we know it, is all temporary. It is like the build up, to the grand finale, each fire work, no matter how dazzling and spectacular from the last, still ain't nothin' yet.

That's because the big quake is comming! I keep having this reoccuring dream of a huge title wave crushing the coast of California. It's pretty frightening, but very feasable.

And this is why I find it funny that rich people with beach front homes are willing to pay millions of dollars for the spactacular view and crisp beach air, yet when they least expect it, that beautiful view can be that of a monstrous and calamitous wave that will crush their neighborhood and everything around them to smitherines.

BMW's, Mercedes, and all luxury cars submerged, much like a sunken battle ship. This is why conspicuous consumption will get you conspicuously consumed.

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