If I had to choose one word to holistically describe the events of yesterday, I would find that the word "crazy" in its truest sense, is the greatest fit.

At work yesterday, I left early by choice. I have been having a persistent problem with an insubordinate employee. Imagine the type of person that shows up to work with their arms crossed, a frown, and a "everyone owes me something" or "poor poor me" attitude. So obviously you can imagine that sort of thing becomes very frustrating, especially when that person brings their bad attitude to work. So we've been talking with human resources about the issue lately and they mistakenly scheduled he and I to work a closing shift together. As you can see, after all the incidents of counseling and being called into offices to discuss these issues of insubordination, would make matters just a tad awkward between he and I at this time.

I did not want to be placed in a situation as uncomfortable as this one, seeing as he and I have been having ongoing issues that are solely work, and attitude at work related. So I found it best to find someone to cover my shift for the night to let things cool down for a minute.

Then later that evening, my friend Tara called our waitress at Fred 62 a "Bitch" so openly blatant, that the waitress overheard and told us that she would refuse service.

Having to explain for drunk friends behavior is always a fun thing to do, NOT.

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