Reminiscing on the David Lynch show.

First of all the show began at 8pm, and we were an hour late. I came at 9:20pm to catch the exhibit, but little did I know they would be closing at 9:45. So I only had about 20 minutes to look at the paintings there.

There was a bored camera and press crew, just hanging out in the exhibit that stared at us, me and my friend Citrus.

They kept looking at us, and it was funny, it's like either we're really interesting or this place is really boring. But I have a feeling it's a little of both.

And then Douche Lady came kicking everyone out; she came up to me and my friend and was like 'its closing, now' and I said, wait 'Doesn't this exhibit close at 10?', her answer to that was 'Um, were closing now'. I was like, nice answer.

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