Last night we went to the Vice 1994 party for their 15 year celebration. We saw the "Cobra snake", who is a party photographer there with another Corry Kennedy look alike.

After that we were invited to Franki Chan's afterparty. This is where things got remotely interesting.

Our friend said that some guy had dumped his beer down her shirt and told her to get out the way. My friend Gabbi and I decided to see what this guys problem was.

So we went to talk to him and ask him to apologize to our friend who he had dumped beer on. He pretended to be deaf.

So we let it go.

10 minutes later we see him talking with a friend perfectly fine, and obviously not deaf.

So this made us just a tad pissed. He was giving me this glazed over look and I told him don't look at me with that glazed over look, because you know damned well what you did. He was playing dumb. This was so funny.

So I ran up to his face with a PBR like I was going to hit him with it.

It was just something in the air last night. Another one of my friends also got into an altercation, however his was much more dramatic and involved a guy throwing an electric guitar at their car (crazy I know, but true). They had to show him that you can't pull that stuff in Los Angeles by a Goodfella's like tactic.

Cheers to beers.

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