As if the life we know wasn't already enough to deal with, there is an online game called Second Life which is just that; a virtual world that exists in an online role playing game.

Second life is a "free 3D virtual world where users can socialize, connect and create using free voice and text chat." Moreover, these users can customize their avatar (or personal characters) to look like the users true self (which hardly is the case) or an idealized "alter-ego".

I first heard about this game through a good friend of mine, who was talking about social networks and he mentioned this as one of them. I find it much more like World of Warcraft meets The Sims 3. I attempted to play this game and was amazed to find the similarities between Second Life and W.O.W. Or maybe perhaps, this game can be comparable to a much more sophisticated Habbo Hotel.

This game is so involved, you can have pets and houses within the game, much like the Sims and customize every/any feature of your avatar you can possibly imagine.

But the point is, is that you end up spending hours of your time doing tasks within the Second Life game, which ends up making your First Life, not very exciting. I suppose having a second life then, is much like not having a first life at all :).

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