I will be having a fun time tonight, and Friday hosting a Roller Disco party.

Certain to make for great times and awesome photos :).

Let's see what they have to say about people born under the day of APRIL 28:

"The April 28 Taurus birth date embodies the ancient astrological saying that, “a child of Venus will never want for anything.”

In the manner that that you give your time and effort in order to help and to provide others with the needs and requirements for their health, happiness and well being, then so will you find that life will take care of, and provide for your life requirements.

As an April 28 birth date, you should never be to over worried or concerned about your own personal finances.

Remember that there is a clear-cut difference between that of what a person desires in life, and that which in reality they actually need.

As an April 28 your personality is endowed with that extremely appealing quality in that, you have an inherent ability to remain firm under confrontation.

The ability to see the decency in the most challenging of events, and are able to provide advice and comfort to others around you during their times of problems and stress.

The April 28 has the skills to identify how something of a material nature can call to mind an emotional state. It is though this considerable quality that you can come up with, just the right type of favourite gift or special treat and, at just the most appropriate time for others.

The moon is featured high in the sign of Taurus, and a feature of the April 28 birth date is that it merges that well known Taurus quality of stubbornness, with that of those lunar qualities of resourcefulness and artistic abilities.

While you are more than capable of extreme stubbornness, you are also capable of visualizing and coming up with both creative solutions to life’s problems, and various ways in which to satisfy your own personal desires and needs.

The path in life of the April 28 is that of rising above the apparent in life and coming up with, and the formulation of alternate brilliant methods in order to sole a problem. In other words to overturn any accepted position that a particular problem cannot be solved.

Under the perspective of “Lateral thinking” there is always an alternative method or way in which to look at a situation in order to alter the viewpoint.

The April 28 birth date also identifies with a lasting interest in the subject of language.

This may not take the form of actually speaking in a different language or languages but more so in you’re learning and studying about the development and internal structures of a language itself."


I really like how they said I favor music and language. That is the most true part.

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