Oil spills are a fine example of why going green is a necessity and why the use of oil must progress in it's passe ways. Oil is clearly a FINITE, or limited, resource, that took millions of years to formulate within the earth. Yet America's current rate of oil consumption seems to ignore this fact. With spills such as the one that occurred in the Gulf Of Mexico, someone's pockets got richer, at the expense of destroying the ecosystem and the very water we fish from. Experts say, that the size of this oil spill has tripled, which is a literal indicator of how oil pollution has a 'ripple like' effect, that pollutes and kills animals within or around the vicinity. If anyone has taken a simple biology course, the fact is obvious, that polluting one area, has an enduring effect on the ecosystem.

Rush Limbaugh was trying to blame what he calls "environmental terrorism" on the reason for the oil spill. Now, ask yourselves this, why would environmentalists, want to destroy the environment? THEY WOULDN'T! Environmentalist would never spill oil in the ocean, and aren't the ones that have money invested in oil like Rush Limbaugh and the likes. Moreover, to spill oil as deep as 5,000 feet deep within the ocean certainly yields the need for some heavy duty submarine to set off a bomb down there.


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