
Hey Omegians,

Okay, so long time.

I've taken some time off, and was getting so sick of social media. It was driving me crazy, all the constant distractions all day with Instagram and Facebook polluting my mind with nonsense and shallow messages that say look at me and how great my life is and how perfect I am with all these filters and edited snapshots of people "life". The disingenuous nature of all social media just caused me to take some drastic action.

I deleted my Avalon Omega page for Facebook, and Instagram account. I have recently just gotten a new IG for AO for the sake of keeping the URL. IG @AvalonOmega 

Meanwhile, been working on some new tunes. I was using Ableton, and it crashed, had to get a new comp, and here I am again back at it, writing with Garage Band this time!

Got about 3 new songs, that are ready to be recorded, so I will post them on here when they are done.

They are in the Indie, Dance genre which I always seem to gravitate to!

Also, I don't remember if I shared the Casa Del Mirto Collab that I did with these guys, but you can check that out right here


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